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  • A different bed

  • Closed curtains with light shining through

  • A messy room left messy

  • After a long walk

  1. A person got lost, disappeared, went away

I woke up rested, with no idea where I was. The light was filtering warmly through the closed burgundy curtains (mine were green(), and my bag was resting on the floor next to the unfamiliar but unbelievably comfortable bed, wide open, its contents strewn around the room as if someone had been desperately looking for something in there. I yawned and stretched. Hadn't had a good sleep like this in ages. If it wasn't for the nagging thought of how on Earth had I ended up here, I'd have called it a perfect start to a beautiful day. 

I looked around the room: besides my belongings carpeting the floor, a small desk, a chair. A little stool with an electric kettle on it. I sat up, shook my head and stretched my hand towards the curtains. Outside, the morning was shining in its full glory. Trees carefully groomed and equally spaced lined up the sides of a cobblestone road, farmed fields stretched all the way to the unknown hills in the hazy distance. I looked down and saw a cat napping on a pedestal, and an old lady sweeping leaves from the entrance stairs. She was wearing a white uniform and I could hear her singing softly in a language I didn't recognize. I started picking up my things and putting them back in the bag. Then I realized I was not so sure they were mine after all. Oh, I really felt rested, but less and less ready to start this, which promised to be a rather peculiar day.

  1. Someone who is affected by the disappearance

She's gone. I woke up in my hammock, cried for my breakfast, but she didn't come. How could she let me starve? Does she not love me? I cried louder, and got no answer. The light was filtering warmly through our green curtains, lighting up every grain of dust or dead skin in our caravan. I froze to hear if I could catch her light snoring, but there was not a single sound inside our caravan, while outside some birds chirped lazily. I carefully pulled myself closer to the wall panel and grabbed some socks from the socks basket, slipped them on and eventually put my feet on the cool floor. It looked like breakfast was mine to deal with. 

How could she do all those things at the same time? Opening the fridge while setting my bowl on the table, poring the milk in that little pot while grabbing the cereal box from the upper shelf. It seemed so easy when I watched her doing it. Where can she have roamed off this time? Should I call the doctor? I think I want some eggs. Should I call grandma? No, silly me. Eggs should be cracked on the edge of the pan. How could she throw the shells away while sprinkling salt on the yolks? I will also toast some bread, can't be that hard.

I will call the doctor in a little while. She took her travel bag again. Is it so hard to be with me? Am I too heavy a burden? Oh, I'll juice some orange too. Maybe she'll come back soon, she'll be relieved to find some breakfast. Maybe even proud of me. Oh no, right, that's too much. I just hope she comes soon.

  1. Start or end with "one breath can be forgotten or the first of many"

One breath can be forgotten

or the first of many

I took my last one sleeping

and then I met with granny.

She made me apple pie

she said "Oh boy, you died!

How dare you come here

before your first beer?

Go back, my boy,

and you too, my girl,

you both jump on that train

before it's all in vain!

Too early for your rest,

go back, and be the best!

Best version of yourself,

no dwarf and no elf,

no zombie, no vampire,

now go! Don't make it dire!

The light was filtering through the green curtains. Her travel bag was hanging from a hook, full of all her dearest belongings.

He woke up to the touch of her hand on his curly hair.

– Did you rest well?

– I had strange dreams. And you?

– Never felt so rested in my whole life. Now breakfast, then let's go bring some fresh flowers to grandma… but look! Somebody broke the window with this rock! Vandals! Oh, and I forgot to turn off the heat… Luckily, nothing happened. Let's eat something quickly and go to the cemetery. Do you want some eggs?

– Yes, with toast!


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